

That would be the motto of Carnigie Mellon University's new project. The telepresence Robot Kit, named Terk, is the key of this project. What makes terk different from other robot construction kits/projects? It is Open Source and for everyone. Read the CNet article and make your own opinion:
"Everything is open source and public domain," Nourbakhsh said. "There is no incentive to make money here. None of the corporations that funded are looking to license this. These companies gave us gift money--even better than grant money because there's no strings--to help us try and come up with ways to get people to be more creative with tech and more tech-literate."
Said Nourbakhsh, "The people designing robots have been the geeks who invented robots (and I can say that; I'm one of them) and they are the worst people to engage others and creatively figure out what can be done with them."
I have my doubts about "robots for everyone". The tech and knowledge needed to design this kind of projects it's not accessible.

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